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"Grande Corrida das Tartarugas" na web
As tartarugas-de-couro são as maiores do mundo, podendo ultrapassar 1,8 metros e pesar mais de 900 quilos. Todos os anos dezenas destes animais migram para a Costa Rica para deixar os seus ovos mas, segundo os especialistas, este ano o número desceu de 154 para 58 fêmeas, uma prova de que estão em vias de extinção.
For more than 100 million years, leatherback turtles have graced our oceans. At an astonishing eight feet long and up to 2,000 pounds, they journey between continents and dive to incredible depths. But in the last 10 years, 95% of the leatherbacks in the Pacific Ocean have vanished, victims of human pressures.
The Leatherback Trust, Tagging of Pacific Predators, Conservation International, Costa Rica's Ministry of Environment and Energy, and Yahoo! invite you to join the Great Turtle Race. Follow 11 leatherback turtles on a two-week journey as they swim from their nesting sites on Playa Grande beach in Costa Rica to the Galapagos Islands.
Go to
for more information.